Monday, September 26, 2011

Wrinkly Fingers

I just spent an hour or so washing dishes with my bare hands. Now my fingers are wrinkly. And my back hurts.

It sucks.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Over the River and Through the Woods, to Grandmothers House We Go!

Well, I'm at my grandmothers house for the second day in a row. We (my crazy, oddly functional family and I) came yesterday for my cousins birthday. He turned five and has the biggest, Elijah-Wood-like eyes. He's frickin' adorable!

Moving on.

Well, today we ate corned beef and cabbage, which we only have once or twice a year. Sister#1 spent most of the meal complaining about the fat on the meat, because she hates fatty meat. She thinks it's gross, and can't swallow it. Which I think is ridiculous, because the fat gives the meat the most flavor! But I'm no Food Channel chef, so what do I know?

Anyways, now I'm stuffed full, and waiting for my food to digest a little more before I move from the spot that I'm sitting in.

Happy Sunday, people!


Saturday, September 24, 2011

I Wonder How Long This Blog Will Last

My grandfather (To be known as OldBaldGuy from here on in) made the comment on my Facebook this morning that he wonders how long this blog will last. Well, OBG, I thought you should know that I intend to update this one at least once a week. So get over it, Baldy.

Really, I have no earthly idea how long this blog will last. I guess that we'll just have to see as time goes on.

Not that there's anyone out there reading the blog of a teenage girl who lives somewhere where they speak English. But one can dream, can't one?

Happy Saturday!


Friday, September 23, 2011

My New, (Imaginary) Irish Boyfriend

Tonight, we watched Monday's episode of Dancing with the Stars. I wasn't expecting much, until he appeared on the screen. It was love at first sight. And his name is Tristan MacManus.

Here is a picture of him:

I hope you enjoyed that beautiful picture of him.
OH! And the best part? HIS ACCENT.

I just thought that he was cute when I hadn't heard him speak. But when I heard his wonderful voice, I fell even deeper. I practically melted right off my place on the couch.

You see, I have this thing for accents. Especially Irish accents.

So, there it is. My new (imaginary) boyfriend. Ain't he just GORGEOUS?


Why I May or May Not Be Dead By Christmas

Sister#2 and I have decided to do girls track at school this year. We sincerely need to get in shape, else we gain so much weight that we somehow throw the Earth off of its axis and hurl the human race into the sun. And our doctor says that we are unhealthy.

So. We are doing track and field at the local teenage education facility, which we attend on a daily basis. Starting on October 3, 2011, Sister#2 and I will be doing all sorts of physical activities every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday all through October. Then, in November, we'll be adding Saturdays to our regime. Sadly, I have little to no muscle or fitness, so I will more than likely end up a limp noodle by that Tuesday. And the worst part?

Now, MaternalGuardian won't let me quit, no matter what. If I get cut, sure, that's okay! But WE ARE NOT QUITTERS. Or so MaternalGuardian says.

Hopefully, if I make it through the first month alive, I will be fit and muscular by the end of the school year. Or, at least, considerably less jiggly than I am at the present moment.

Well, the PaternalGuardian is going to call from work soon, so MaternalGuardian says that I must get off of this computer so that she will be able to answer the phone. We have dial-up, so this is the only way that she will be able to answer the phone.

Stupid dial-up.



Welcome to the Internet, Baby Blog!


This is my blog.

Despite the title, it is not about me rampaging through the streets, destroying things like Godzilla. Sorry to disappoint you, folks.

This blog is about me. I may not be that interesting, and it might be a while in between posts, but I will try my hardest to keep you entertained.

This is the end of my first blog post.
