Friday, September 23, 2011

Why I May or May Not Be Dead By Christmas

Sister#2 and I have decided to do girls track at school this year. We sincerely need to get in shape, else we gain so much weight that we somehow throw the Earth off of its axis and hurl the human race into the sun. And our doctor says that we are unhealthy.

So. We are doing track and field at the local teenage education facility, which we attend on a daily basis. Starting on October 3, 2011, Sister#2 and I will be doing all sorts of physical activities every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday all through October. Then, in November, we'll be adding Saturdays to our regime. Sadly, I have little to no muscle or fitness, so I will more than likely end up a limp noodle by that Tuesday. And the worst part?

Now, MaternalGuardian won't let me quit, no matter what. If I get cut, sure, that's okay! But WE ARE NOT QUITTERS. Or so MaternalGuardian says.

Hopefully, if I make it through the first month alive, I will be fit and muscular by the end of the school year. Or, at least, considerably less jiggly than I am at the present moment.

Well, the PaternalGuardian is going to call from work soon, so MaternalGuardian says that I must get off of this computer so that she will be able to answer the phone. We have dial-up, so this is the only way that she will be able to answer the phone.

Stupid dial-up.



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